Free Resources

Posters, bookmarks, presentations, and more resources to help with teaching and promoting information democracy, privacy, and intellectual freedom.

All resources are licensed CC0, aka public domain. Please use freely (don’t be a jerk).

→ AI Ethics explainer – bookmark outlining the basics of many ethical issues with Artificial Intelligence

→ From the Ocean to Your Computer – bookmark about internet hardware, resource consumption, and governance

→ Privacy book recs: sci-fi and speculative fiction – recommended readings in the sci-fi realm!

→ The Finsta Project: a zine series for youth to understand Big Data issues

Threat modeling zine

Passwords zine

Scams and fraud zine

Sam Buechler
LFP Member

As an academic librarian I’m frequently having to explain to administrators why I won’t collect patron and library use data – LFP has provided me with the knowledge, skills, and community to do this effectively.