Meet the Team
We’re the library workers who make up the LFP community.

Michele Alaniz
City College of San Francisco, CA

Michele Alaniz
City College of San Francisco, CA

Frans Albarillo
Brooklyn College, CUNY, NY

Frans Albarillo
Brooklyn College, CUNY, NY

Nancy Aravecz Shah
Florham Park Public Library, NJ

Nancy Aravecz Shah
Florham Park Public Library, NJ

Ellie Avis
Multnomah County Library, OR

Ellie Avis
Multnomah County Library, OR
Privacy Specialties: - Advocacy, Protest, and Privacy - Anti-Policing - Anti-Surveillance - Digital Privacy - Harm Reduction - Privacy in Public Libraries

Luz Badillo
Santa Monica College Library, CA

Luz Badillo
Santa Monica College Library, CA

Patricia B. Ball
Stratton Library (Cobb County), GA

Patricia B. Ball
Stratton Library (Cobb County), GA

Donna Baluchi
University of Utah

Donna Baluchi
University of Utah

Ari Baum-Hommes
Hennepin County Libraries, Minneapolis, MN

Ari Baum-Hommes
Hennepin County Libraries, Minneapolis, MN

Nicole Becwar
Western Colorado University, CO

Nicole Becwar
Western Colorado University, CO

Carolyn Bennett Glauda
SE NY Library Resources Council

Carolyn Bennett Glauda
SE NY Library Resources Council
Privacy Specialties: - Community Empowerment - Culture of Privacy - Digital Privacy - Harm Reduction - Philosophy of Privacy - Privacy - Privacy in Academic Libraries - Privacy in Special Libraries

Howard Besser
New York University

Howard Besser
New York University

Eliza Bettinger
Cornell University Library, NY

Eliza Bettinger
Cornell University Library, NY

Callan Bignoli
Olin College, MA

Callan Bignoli
Olin College, MA

Michelle Biwer
Alexandria Library, VA

Michelle Biwer
Alexandria Library, VA

Andrea Boothby Rice
Washington College, MD

Andrea Boothby Rice
Washington College, MD

Ashley J. Brown
Auburn Public Library, AL

Ashley J. Brown
Auburn Public Library, AL

Sara Brown

Sara Brown
I'm most looking forward to learning how to fight for and build architecture that supports privacy as a basic right rather than a commodity only available to people with the money or specialized knowledge to secure it.

Symphony Bruce
American University Library, D.C.

Symphony Bruce
American University Library, D.C.

Jennifer Bruneau
Northborough Free Library, MA

Jennifer Bruneau
Northborough Free Library, MA

Sam Buechler
Washington State University-Vancouver

Sam Buechler
Washington State University-Vancouver

Lucia Cedeira Serantes
Queens College (CUNY), NY

Lucia Cedeira Serantes
Queens College (CUNY), NY
Increasingly technology plays ubiquitous roles in the daily lives of teens and children, therefore I am hoping that the LFI training will enable me to become a better and more informed advocate for theoretical and practical issues relating to information surveillance and privacy among future librarians and look for ways to instill these issues across the curriculum.

Danielle Colbert-Lewis
North Carolina Central University, NC

Danielle Colbert-Lewis
North Carolina Central University, NC
Prior higher education professional student affairs experience includes serving the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Cross Cultural and Leadership Development and the Office of Student Life as a Coordinator and Advisor for the following organizations: Asian Student Alliance, Black Action Society, Campus Women’s Organization, Freedom Honor Society, Rainbow Alliance, and Strong Women Strong Girls campus coach. Prior to serving the University of Pittsburgh professional experience includes the following: Assistant Director of Reunions and Class Activities at the University of Virginia Alumni Association, Area Coordinator at the University of Richmond Westhampton College, and Assistant Resident Director at Virginia Tech Residence Life. Research, presentations, and professional development focus on the following areas: Personality type theory and librarians, higher education leadership, social justice, information literacy, mentoring, emotional intelligence, teaching and learning.

Maty Cropley
Boston Public Library, MA

Maty Cropley
Boston Public Library, MA

Amy Dennis
San Angelo, Texas

Amy Dennis
San Angelo, Texas

Angela Dixon

Angela Dixon

Abby Ebach
North Dakota

Abby Ebach
North Dakota

Khalil El-Bathy
SOWELA Technical Community College, LA

Khalil El-Bathy
SOWELA Technical Community College, LA

Katie Elson Anderson
Paul Robeson Library, Rutgers University, NJ

Katie Elson Anderson
Paul Robeson Library, Rutgers University, NJ

Hebah Emara
Elizabeth Public Library, NJ

Hebah Emara
Elizabeth Public Library, NJ

Rebekah Eppley
Oakland Public Library, CA

Rebekah Eppley
Oakland Public Library, CA

Reanna Esmail
Cornell University, NY

Reanna Esmail
Cornell University, NY
As a library instructor, Reanna is particularly interested in critical pedagogy and providing services for various campus communities, especially those that have historically been underserved and underrepresented. Reanna currently serves as a blogger for the Office of Intellectual Freedom in the American Library Association (ALA).

Meredith Farkas
Portland Community College, OR

Meredith Farkas
Portland Community College, OR

Athanasia Fitos
Miami-Dade Public Library System, FL

Athanasia Fitos
Miami-Dade Public Library System, FL
Currently, she involved in service to the Florida Library Association, Public Library Association, NNLM, SEFLIN, and DCLA through committees, taskforces, and leadership roles. She enjoys outreach and programming, and always is looking for opportunities to unify her roles in the library community with the work at Hand. She lives in Miami with her all the creatures she care takes for: 6 cats, 2 rabbits, a bird, fish, and the husband.

John Mack Freeman
Georgia Institute of Technology, GA

John Mack Freeman
Georgia Institute of Technology, GA
Additionally, he was the 2018-2019 chair of ALA's Intellectual Freedom Round Table, 2017-2020 chair of the Georgia Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Interest Group, and a former chair of the Stonewall Book Awards. When he's not working, he enjoys destroying his kitchen in baking adventures, listening to queer romance novels, and plotting world domination with his husband. You can find out more at

Patrick Frownfelter
State Library of Pennsylvania

Patrick Frownfelter
State Library of Pennsylvania
In his spare time, he enjoys axe throwing, cooking, reading, time with his partners, and playing with his cats, Sadie and Toasted Marshmallow.

Allie Fry

Allie Fry

Alexandra Furtado
Brockton Law Library, MA

Alexandra Furtado
Brockton Law Library, MA

Scarlet Galvan
Grand Valley State University, MI

Scarlet Galvan
Grand Valley State University, MI
Recent work includes keynotes at VALA: Libraries, Technology, and the Future, and the North Carolina Serials Conference. Scarlet is currently a member of SPARC’s Executive Steering Committee and an editor for Weave: Journal of Library User Experience. When not doing work things, she enjoys soapmaking. You can find Scarlet on and @panoptigoth.

Oscar Gittemeier
San Diego Public Library, CA

Oscar Gittemeier
San Diego Public Library, CA

Alexandrea Glenn
University of Pennsylvania

Alexandrea Glenn
University of Pennsylvania

Lena Gluck
Marketing and Development Coordinator

Lena Gluck
Marketing and Development Coordinator

Ariel Hahn
Cal Poly Pomona, CA

Ariel Hahn
Cal Poly Pomona, CA

Leigh Ann Hamel
Pelham Public Library, NH

Leigh Ann Hamel
Pelham Public Library, NH

Sam Helmick
Iowa City Public Library, IA

Sam Helmick
Iowa City Public Library, IA
Sam was a member of the 2019 RUSA Sophie Brody, 2019 GLBTRT Barbara Gittings, and 2018 Michael L. Printz Award committees. As a 2016 ALA Emerging Leader, Sam helped to develop an evergreen calendar of YALSA content and worked on the ALA Public Awareness Committee for the #LibrariesTransform and Library Card Sign-Up Month campaigns. Her book Mobile Social Marketing for Libraries is available through Rowman and Littlefield Press.

Krista Hoitomt
Hennepin County Library, MN

Krista Hoitomt
Hennepin County Library, MN

Chloe Horsma
Sacramento Public Library, CA

Chloe Horsma
Sacramento Public Library, CA

Jodi Jacques
Alaska Library Network, AK

Jodi Jacques
Alaska Library Network, AK

Allison Jones
Burnaby Public Library, BC

Allison Jones
Burnaby Public Library, BC

Qiana Johnson
Northwestern University Libraries, IL

Qiana Johnson
Northwestern University Libraries, IL

Sam Kannegiser
Rutgers University, NJ

Sam Kannegiser
Rutgers University, NJ

Caitlin Kenney
Western New York Library Resources Council

Caitlin Kenney
Western New York Library Resources Council

Sherise Kimura
University of San Francisco

Sherise Kimura
University of San Francisco

Makea King
Johns Hopkins University, MD

Makea King
Johns Hopkins University, MD
As an ethical information professional, she is devoted to creating inclusive and accessible learning environments and believes in equitable access to information. Personal areas of interest are sustainability within the fashion industry, data privacy and ethics in research, the access to information for incarcerated people, and the lasting impact of racial discrimination from The New Deal. When not staring into the void of two laptops, she enjoys photographing her cats, baking tasty desserts, and jotting down random musings and essays that will likely never become the memoir she thinks they will.

Megan Kinney
City College of San Francisco, CA

Megan Kinney
City College of San Francisco, CA

Wren Kominos-Marvell
Teton County Library, WY

Wren Kominos-Marvell
Teton County Library, WY

Jessica Krill
Sno-Isle Libraries, WA

Jessica Krill
Sno-Isle Libraries, WA

T.J. Lamanna
Poughkeepsie Public Library District, NY

T.J. Lamanna
Poughkeepsie Public Library District, NY

doyun lee

Samantha Lee
Enfield Public Library, CT

Samantha Lee
Enfield Public Library, CT

Claire Lobdell
Greenfield Community College, MA

Claire Lobdell
Greenfield Community College, MA
My privacy and anti-surveillance work has mainly focused on classroom-based education about privacy issues, as well as advocating for student privacy at my college and in the local school district. I have also created and taught a professional development course called Interrupting White Nationalism. In addition to privacy work, my research interests include teaching with primary sources and oral history.

Alison Macrina
Founder & Executive Director

Alison Macrina
Founder & Executive Director

lawrence maminta
Long Beach, CA

lawrence maminta
Long Beach, CA

Kelly McElroy
Oregon State University, OR

Kelly McElroy
Oregon State University, OR

Meghan McGowan
Detroit, Michigan

Meghan McGowan
Detroit, Michigan

Rebecca Moorman
University of Alaska Anchorage, AK

Rebecca Moorman
University of Alaska Anchorage, AK

Marisol Moreno Ortiz

Bryan Neil Jones
Nashville Public Library, TN

Bryan Neil Jones
Nashville Public Library, TN

Linda Nguyễn
Oakland Public Library, CA

Linda Nguyễn
Oakland Public Library, CA

Bel Outwater
Auburn Public Library, GA

Bel Outwater
Auburn Public Library, GA

Dolores Peralta

Camille Peters
Oakland Public Library, CA

Camille Peters
Oakland Public Library, CA

Miranda Pratt
Kansas City Public Library, MO

Miranda Pratt
Kansas City Public Library, MO

Grace Pratte
Lawrence Public Library, KS

Grace Pratte
Lawrence Public Library, KS

Andrea Puglisi

Ray Pun
Bay Area, CA

Ray Pun
Bay Area, CA

Denise Quintel
Middle Tennessee State University, TN

Denise Quintel
Middle Tennessee State University, TN

Marisa Reichert
Springfield, MA

Marisa Reichert
Springfield, MA

Nikki Rhodes

Grace Riario
Ramapo Catskill Library System, NY

Grace Riario
Ramapo Catskill Library System, NY
These days, her energy is spent engaging community members on sustainable funding for libraries, digital justice for communities, and promoting inclusion among library employees and administrators.

Megan Riley

Megan Riley

Maria Rios
University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA

Maria Rios
University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA

Eva Rios-Alvarado
Mt. San Antonio College Library, CA

Eva Rios-Alvarado
Mt. San Antonio College Library, CA
Currently, she is the Student Equity & Outreach Librarian at Mt. San Antonio College Library. If you ask Eva what is the most powerful force in leadership she would answer love, the power of community, the creativity of local activism, and daily resistance you find in your personal life. Find her on Twitter @EvaRiosAlvarado, #XicanaMLIS #LAallDay #librarianOfColor #LocLA #Decolonize #POCinLIS #FTP

Laura Savage
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, MS

Laura Savage
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, MS
Her current work includes teaching information literacy to students, assisting in research, and creating community outreach programs. She was part of teams awarded grants to initiate the Peer-to-Peer Reading program and Listen Up! Listenwise to Improve Listening Skills. Currently, she is a resident of the Mississippi Gulf Coast where she takes kickboxing classes and spends any other free time with her dog and cat.

Megan Shanholtz
City of Frederick Health and Human Services, MD

Megan Shanholtz
City of Frederick Health and Human Services, MD

Free Library of Philadelphia, PA

Free Library of Philadelphia, PA

Jasmine Shumaker
University of Maryland

Jasmine Shumaker
University of Maryland

Frank Skornia
Ferguson Library, CT

Frank Skornia
Ferguson Library, CT

Michelle Snyder
Buffalo and Erie County Library, NY

Michelle Snyder
Buffalo and Erie County Library, NY

Kimberly Springer
Co-Director, Columbia Privacy Lab, NY

Kimberly Springer
Co-Director, Columbia Privacy Lab, NY

Joshua Stone
Southeast Florida Library Information Network, FL

Joshua Stone
Southeast Florida Library Information Network, FL
Josh Stone is the Director of Digital Service for SEFLIN, the Southeast Florida Library Information Network. His role is to work with and assist libraries throughout Southeast Florida with their Digital Projects. Prior to joining SEFLIN, Josh worked as a Collection Development Librarian overseeing the digital collections of a large public library system in South Florida. Throughout his career, Josh has been a strong advocate for Internet privacy and security, and has taught many group and individual classes to patrons on those subjects.

Meagan Stone
Fulton County Library System, GA

Meagan Stone
Fulton County Library System, GA

Chris Strunk
Boston Public Library, MA

Chris Strunk
Boston Public Library, MA

Mark Swartz
Queen’s University, Canada

Mark Swartz
Queen’s University, Canada
Currently, Mark is co-ordinating the development of an video based Open Educational Resource that will help educate instructors and staff at Canadian universities about copyright.

Ashley Teagle
Southern Maryland Regional Library Association, MD

Ashley Teagle
Southern Maryland Regional Library Association, MD
She / hers / her

Junior Tidal
New York City College of Technology, CUNY, NY

Junior Tidal
New York City College of Technology, CUNY, NY

Tracy Treece
Denver Public Library, CO

Tracy Treece
Denver Public Library, CO

Kimberly Trinh-Sy
Hennepin County Library, MN

Kimberly Trinh-Sy
Hennepin County Library, MN

Kimberly Villafuerte Barzola

James Watson
Bronx Community College, CUNY, NY

James Watson
Bronx Community College, CUNY, NY
Prior to becoming a Librarian, James was employed as a software engineer at Unisys (formerly Burroughs) Corporation, a computer vendor for 15 years. He possesses Master degrees in Information Science (Long Island University) and Interactive Telecommunications (New York University).

Nicole Weerbrouck

Ayoola White

Jen Wilson

Jen Wilson

Tess Wilson

Tess Wilson

Julia Wiswell
Berkeley Public Library, CA

Julia Wiswell
Berkeley Public Library, CA

Megan Wong
Solano County, CA

Megan Wong
Solano County, CA

Asako Yoshida
University of Manitoba, Canada

Asako Yoshida
University of Manitoba, Canada