Lucia Cedeira Serantes

Queens College (CUNY), NY

Lucia Cedeira Serantes was born and grew up in A Coruña, Spain. Her academic life took her to Pittsburgh, PA (USA) and London, ON (Canada) and she now works as an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Queens College (CUNY) where she also coordinates the Certificate for Children and Young Adult Services in Public Libraries. Her main research and teaching lies at the intersection of youth media and reading and public libraries. As a professional librarian, she was honoured to have worked as a young adult librarian and researcher for the (now sadly closed) International Center for Children’s and Young Adults’ Books (Salamanca, Spain).

Increasingly technology plays ubiquitous roles in the daily lives of teens and children, therefore I am hoping that the LFI training will enable me to become a better and more informed advocate for theoretical and practical issues relating to information surveillance and privacy among future librarians and look for ways to instill these issues across the curriculum.