John Mack Freeman

Georgia Institute of Technology, GA

John “Mack” Freeman is interested in how libraries interact with traditionally underserved parts of their communities. In his day job, Mack is the Head of Public Services Librarian at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Mack is deeply involved with library associations at the state and national level. Mack has been involved with the Rainbow Round Table of the American Library Association (ALA) since he began working in libraries, and he was their first ALA Emerging Leader in 2015. Additionally, he was the 2018-2019 chair of ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Round Table,  2017-2020 chair of the Georgia Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Interest Group, and a former chair of the Stonewall Book Awards. When he’s not working, he enjoys destroying his kitchen in baking adventures, listening to queer romance novels, and plotting world domination with his husband. You can find out more at

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